Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cruising with the dolphins and whales, Insha Allaah.

I am listening to one of my favorite artists John Lee Hooker while I try to write this piece. Yesterday, I saw the movie Avatar again (on TV), and it really touched me beyond words. Watching Jake Sully move beyond his physical difficulties to do what many with no such difficulties could not do. I loved it.

Yes, Avatar is animated science fiction, but it touched me. I have legs that work, Alhamdhlillaah. Cancer has not defeated me to that extent yet, by Allaah's Grace, and Insha Allaah, never will. I can shuffle around. I am not in a wheelchair except for long distances, that is. My Blessings are many.

Yet, sitting in my chair, heavy legs raised, I loved Jake Sully transcend his situation. Flying through the air, taking it to the enemy, defeating them. That's me, too, Insha Allaah, soon. Swimming right down to it, and defeating my enemy, cancer.

Cancer is a very insidious disease. Its smart. It tries to take over your mind first. It tries to instill doubts into your mind. Having faith and being strong and constant in daily prayer has kept my cancer at bay.

Nights are toughest, when the rest of the world is slumbering and resting. That's when cancer mounts its strongest attack on my mind. It tries to creep in with its doubts. That its already winning, that my treatment is not working. That's when it exerts maximum pain. That when it keeps telling me that there is no hope, that I might as well give up now. I will not, Insha Allaah. My treatment is not by doctors, it is by my Lord, Creator and Cherishor of the Worlds. My Lord cannot be defeated, nor I, as long as I hold fast to Him. Cancer does not know this.

Cancer wins if I give it a chance. During the day, with loved ones around me, its half not so bad, unless I drop my guard. This is because cancer is relentless, there is no day or night for it. Like those humans trying to get unobtanium from Pandora. Continuous attack. No chance. I too am vigilant, day and night. In the skies, on the ground, in the seas, and within my body, Insha Allaah.

So, Alhamdhlillaah for my Blessings. I shall be cruising with the dolphins and whales through the ocean soon, cancer defeated, Insha Allaah.

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